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西游记之大圣归来 科幻电影 观后感
























After watching "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage", the feeling after watching "The Return of the Great Sage"

After watching this movie, if I don't write something, I don't think I want to do anything else.

There are so many and messy movies these years, too many amazing special effects, and too many tear-jerking plots. These are obviously the most superficial and superficial things, but I don’t know when they become the benchmark for measuring the success of a movie. In those movies, something called soul, which I have been unable to find, is finally found today in The Return of the Great Sage.

Finally, there is a movie that is no longer simply about human greed, hatred, and delusion.

This movie, I think it is alive, every character is alive.

In those pictures, a very powerful force is continuously conveyed, which is belief.

Faith in this kind of thing can really make a person brave and crazy.

I'm really not that old, not like many people. Since many years ago, I've been waiting for that monkey to come back. I've waited and I've grown so big, and then he finally came back and sat next to me while watching a movie. The old grandfather, his hair was all white, and he cried out in surprise after a while, "Oh, this is Bailongma, this is Zhu Bajie."

I think everyone keeps something deep in their heart, and they may not be able to remember it at ordinary times, but if they see it, they immediately think about it, and all the memories about that thing from many years ago are thrown into their heads. It came out, without any omission.

Jiang Liuer is probably the portrayal of these people.

When I grew up listening to the stories of Monkey King, those memories that even Monkey King himself almost forgot, he recited one after another like a flow. Do you have a golden hoop in your ear?

Then Sun Wukong said, don't mention the golden hoop.

But his expression and tone clearly betrayed the turbulence in his heart.

Are you very happy? Even if you are no longer brilliant, there are still people who remember the moment when you were a hero and continue to regard you as a hero, expecting you to continue to become stronger, and believing that you will become stronger.

Sun Wukong will not die. Jiang Liuer waved a stick and said this. He has a hero in his heart. Even if the hero is just an ordinary monkey now, he is still his hero. He is an invincible hero who will never die in his heart.

In fact, Sun Wukong doesn't want to think about what it used to be, because it's too far away, so far he has forgotten it, and it may not be there again. What is lost forever is always far away.

But you see, it is faith, faith makes Jiang Liuer brave, and also makes Sun Wukong brave.

I admire and admire the director very much. How deep should his obsession be to make such a movie.

I have always believed in a sentence: if a gun appears in a novel, the gun should be fired.

I think this sentence probably applies to movies as well. This movie does it, quite literally.

It is worth watching many, many times.

I don't think I can write it as good as 1/10,000, but I hope that if you haven't read it yet, take a look at it before it goes off the shelves. Take a look quietly. Get a feel for what a movie with a real soul is like.
