户型地址苏州市[ 吴中 - 城南 ] 夏莲巷88号
迎春路宝带东路北 (66路; 92路; 101路; 308路; 504路; 512路; 514路; 529路; 553路; 900路北线; 900路南线; 900路支线; 933路; 快线6号)171 米
迎春路吴中东路 (3路; 60路北线; 60路南线; 62路; 66路; 101路; 308路; 504路; 512路; 514路; 529路; 900路北线; 900路南线; 933路; 高峰6号)300 米
月浜街 (3路; 60路北线; 60路南线; 62路; 553路; 5006路社区巴士; 高峰6号)307 米
迎春路地铁站-4口357 米
迎春路 (轨道交通3号线)381 米
迎春路地铁站-3口384 米
嘉宝雅典苑 (45路; 59路; 512路; 552路; 552路高峰[上学开行]; 932路)419 米
迎春路地铁站-1口431 米
文曲路 (66路; 92路; 101路; 308路; 504路; 514路; 快线6号)736 米
汽车南站 (3路; 16路; 39路; 60路北线; 60路南线; 62路; 66路; 92路; 101路; 308路; 504路; 512路; 514路; 529路; 557路; 900路北线; 900路南线; 933路; 高峰6号; 快线6号; 宣城城际·广德苏州线)770 米
广慈医院 (552路; 552路高峰[上学开行]; 900路支线; 5006路社区巴士; 5007路社区巴士)862 米
东苑路 (3路; 60路北线; 60路南线; 62路; 553路; 高峰6号)866 米
丹桂路太湖东路北 (45路; 59路; 529路; 552路; 552路高峰[上学开行]; 900路北线; 900路南线; 933路; 5006路社区巴士; 5007路社区巴士)975 米
汽车南站东 (3路; 4路; 10路东线; 28路; 55路; 55路高峰; 200路北线; 501路; 503路; 512路; 557路; 900路北线; 931路; 949路; 9010路社区巴士; 高峰6号; 快线1号)1096 米
宝带路地铁站-10口1109 米
汽车南站广场 (4路; 10路东线; 10路西线; 16路; 28路; 39路; 55路; 55路高峰; 67路; 108路; 200路南线; 501路; 503路; 529路; 931路; 949路; 快线1号)1111 米
吴中区人民医院 (1路; 3路; 5路; 55路; 55路高峰; 58路; 62路; 309路; 318路; 503路; 522路; 553路; 932路; 5002路社区巴士; 5006路社区巴士; 夜1路)1117 米
宝带路 (轨道交通3号线; 轨道交通4号线)1124 米
宝带路地铁站-3口1164 米
宝带路地铁站-11口1179 米
宝带路地铁站-1口1203 米
南门二村 (1路; 5路; 53路; 55路; 55路高峰; 309路; 318路; 503路; 932路; 9021路社区巴士; 夜1路)1205 米
南环新村 (4路; 10路东线; 10路西线; 28路; 39路; 47路支线B; 47路支线D; 101路; 200路北线; 200路南线; 308路; 501路; 529路; 931路; 933路; 949路; 9010路社区巴士)1210 米
姜家桥 (56路; 67路; 91路; 501路; 558路)1233 米
团结桥地铁站-2口1296 米
宝带路地铁站-13口1297 米
团结桥地铁站-3口1337 米
团结桥 (轨道交通4号线)1353 米
团结桥地铁站-4口1419 米
团结桥东 (4路; 10路东线; 10路西线; 28路; 39路; 42路; 53路; 55路; 55路高峰; 67路; 101路; 108路; 200路北线; 200路南线; 308路; 501路; 503路; 504路; 529路; 931路; 933路; 949路; 9010路社区巴士; 9018路社区巴士; 9021路社区巴士)1458 米
北港桥东 (553路; 558路)1464 米
翠园新村 (27路; 42路; 47路支线B; 47路支线D; 53路; 60路南线; 108路; 218路; 514路; 900路北线; 9018路社区巴士; 9021路社区巴士)1496 米
北港路地铁站-1口1562 2公里内的商业设施
中国工商银行(苏州宝带路支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路264号)367 米
中国建设银行(苏州长春路支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路269号)409 米
中信银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路323号二期)438 米
华夏银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路323号3楼)447 米
中国民生银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路323号嘉宝广场a区23幢1楼)457 米
旭东饭店(宝带东路店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路142号)571 米
香雪海饭店(迎春店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区迎春路36号三期)645 米
中国光大银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路345号)745 米
大头生活馆(丽丰购物中心南区丽丰购物中心店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号丽丰购物中心南区F2)853 米
INLIFE(丽丰购物中心(宝带东路店)北区店) (苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号丽丰购物中心北区F1)860 米
漫音琴行(丽丰购物中心宝带东路店) (苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号丽丰购物中心F3)863 米
中国建设银行(苏州东苑支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中东路169号)885 米
樊文花(丽丰购物中心宝带东路店) (苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号丽丰购物中心F2)888 米
卡拉美(丽丰购物中心(宝带东路店)北区店) (苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号丽丰购物中心北区F2)895 米
百盛人家 (江苏省苏州市吴中区冬青路45号)895 米
HotMaxx(丽丰购物中心宝带东路店) (苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号丽丰购物中心F1)903 米
圣大保罗(丽丰购物中心宝带东路店) (苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号丽丰购物中心F2)928 米
江南农村商业银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中东路171号3期)967 米
pura biance(华琨新苏购物中心东吴北路店) (苏州市吴中区东吴北路98号华琨新苏购物中心(东吴北路)F1华琨新苏购物中心F1)1036 米
淼依艺(华琨新苏购物中心东吴北路店) (苏州市吴中区东吴北路98号华琨新苏购物中心(东吴北路)F1华琨新苏购物中心F2)1039 米
上海银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中东路175号东塔2楼)1064 米
苏州苏苑饭店 (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路130号)1064 米
苏丰大酒店 (江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中东路158号利通大厦1楼)1078 米
江苏银行(东吴北路支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区县前街69-5号二期)1086 米
中国银行(苏州市吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路108号)1088 米
十二饭点(东吴北路店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路78-1号78号院)1107 米
奎恩美式中餐厅 (江苏省苏州市吴中区太湖东路99号运河小镇4号楼2楼)1119 米
苏州农商银行(吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中东路158号m3三期)1124 米
德天肥牛海鲜火锅(吴中店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路158号利通大厦4楼)1128 米
中国农业银行(苏州南门支行) (江苏省苏州市姑苏区南环东路28号)1155 米
上海浦东发展银行(吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路103号a区)1161 米
苏苑饭店中餐厅 (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路130号苏苑饭店)1164 米
肯德基(吴中凤凰广场餐厅) (苏州市吴中区东吴北路66号凤凰广场1层)1164 米
KADING(华琨新苏购物中心东吴北路店) (苏州市吴中区东吴北路98号华琨新苏购物中心(东吴北路)F1华琨新苏购物中心B1)1166 米
中国建设银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路51号)1170 米
广发银行(吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路66号圆融时代广场a区5楼)1177 米
中国农业银行(苏州吴中支行营业部) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路138号东区)1179 米
兴业银行(朗庭乐享汇) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路111号1楼)1187 米
香雪海饭店(吴中店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路123号)1191 米
苏州银行(苏州分行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路143号龙兴里)1227 米
交通银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路21号6期)1271 米
中国工商银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路18号东吴塔)1287 米
华龙饭店(东吴北路店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路156号紫藤)1288 米
中国工商银行(苏州东吴北路支行) (苏州市吴中区东吴北路170号)1319 米
肯德基(汇邻广场餐厅) (苏州市姑苏区南环东路758号汇邻广场F1汇邻广场F1)1323 米
新梅华(汇邻广场店) (苏州市姑苏区南环东路758号汇邻广场F1汇邻广场F2)1324 米
招商银行(苏州吴中支行) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路170号1楼)1344 米
新金都饭店 (江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中西路39弄号康乐楼8号楼)1373 米
刘二私房菜(汇邻广场店) (苏州市姑苏区南环东路758号汇邻广场F1汇邻广场F1)1384 米
海底捞火锅(团结桥店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路181号双银星座商务广场4楼)1405 米
金辣府餐饮店 (江苏省苏州市吴中区东吴北路181号南门商业广场2楼)1417 米
肯德基(南环餐厅) (江苏省苏州市姑苏区东吴北路288号沃尔玛超市南门店1楼)1493 米
螺蛳饭店(白云街店) (江苏省苏州市吴中区白云街6-1-2号)1496 米
金格利饭店(白云街店) (苏州市吴中区经济开发区白云街44-2号)1499 米
苏苑实验小学 (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路298号)409 米
苏苑实验小学-西侧门 (江苏省苏州市吴中区长桥苏苑实验小学(月浜街东))414 米
苏苑实验小学-西南2门 (苏州市吴中区县前街与月浜街交叉口东50米)414 米
苏苑实验小学-南门 (苏州市吴中区宝带东路298号)476 米
宝带实验小学-北门 (苏州市吴中区宝带东路179号)579 米
迎春中学-西北门 (苏州市吴中区宝带东路111号)631 米
迎春中学 (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路111号)639 米
宝带实验小学 (江苏省苏州市吴中区宝带东路179号1期)654 米
宝带实验小学-南门 (江苏省苏州市吴中区文曲路168号)773 米
苏州市湄长小学 (苏州市姑苏区湄长新村内)787 米
苏州燕园港澳台侨联考培训学校 (江苏省苏州市吴中区苏苑街146号)1066 米
苏州市纺织工业职工中等专业学校 (江苏省苏州市吴中区苏苑街146号)1078 米
香樟学校 (郭巷街道姜家社区吴东路与北港路口南)1435 米
苏州市南环实验小学校 (江苏省苏州市姑苏区校园街66号)1437 米
苏州市沧南小学 (江苏省苏州市吴中区西塘北巷4号南校区)1461 米
苏州市南环实验小学校-西北门 (江苏省苏州市姑苏区校园街66号)1501 米
Jiuxun Garden
The price is 29175 yuan/㎡
Open December 22, 2021
Handover October 2022 Four-room (2), five-room and above (2)
Unit Address Suzhou City [Wuzhong - South of the City] No. 88, Xialian Lane
Transportation within 2 km
25 subway lines, 25 bus stops
Yingchun Road Baodai East Road North (66; 92; 101; 308; 504; 512; 514; 529; 553; 900 North; 900 South; 900 Branch; 933 Road; Express Line 6) 171 m
Yingchun Road Wudong East Road (No. 3; No. 60 North; No. 60 South; No. 62; No. 66; No. 101; No. 308; No. 504; No. 512; No. 514; No. 529; No. 900 North; No. 900 South Line; 933 Road; Gao Feng No. 6) 300 meters
Yuebang Street (No. 3; No. 60 North; No. 60 South; No. 62; No. 553; No. 5006 Community Bus; No. 6 Peak) 307 m
Yingchun Road Subway Station - Exit 4 357 meters
Yingchun Road (Railway Line 3) 381 meters
Yingchun Road Subway Station - Exit 3 384 meters
Jiabao Athens Court (No. 45; No. 59; No. 512; No. 552; No. 552 Peak [going to school]; No. 932) 419 meters
Yingchun Road Subway Station - Exit 1 431 meters
Wenqu Road (No. 66; No. 92; No. 101; No. 308; No. 504; No. 514; Express Line No. 6) 736 meters
South Bus Station (No. 3; No. 16; No. 39; No. 60 North; No. 60 South; No. 62; No. 66; No. 92; No. 101; No. 308; No. 504; No. 512; No. 514; No. 529; No. 557; No. 900 North Line; No. 900 South Line; No. 933; Gaofeng No. 6; Express Line No. 6; Xuancheng Intercity·Guangde Suzhou Line) 770 meters
Guangci Hospital (No. 552; No. 552 Peak [going to school]; No. 900 branch line; No. 5006 community bus; No. 5007 community bus) 862 meters
Dongyuan Road (No. 3; No. 60 North; No. 60 South; No. 62; No. 553; No. 6 Gaofeng) 866 m
Dangui Road, Taihu East Road North (No. 45; No. 59; No. 529; No. 552; ) 975 meters
South Bus Station East (No. 3; No. 4; No. 10 East; No. 28; No. 55; No. 55 Peak; No. 200 North; No. 501; No. 503; No. 512; No. 557; No. 900, North; No. 931 ; No. 949; No. 9010 Community Bus; Peak No. 6; Express Line No. 1) 1096 m
Baodai Road Subway Station - Exit 10 1109 meters
South Bus Station Square (No. 4; No. 10 East Line; No. 10 West Line; No. 16; No. 28; No. 39; No. 55; No. 55 Peak; No. 67; No. 108; No. 200 South Line; No. 501; No. 503 ; No. 529; No. 931; No. 949; Express Line 1) 1111 m
Wuzhong District People's Hospital (No. 1; No. 3; No. 5; No. 55; No. 55 Peak; No. 58; No. 62; No. 309; No. 318; No. 503; No. 522; No. 553; No. 932; No. 5002 Community Bus ; Community Bus No. 5006; Night No. 1) 1117 meters
Baodai Road (Rail Transit Line 3; Rail Transit Line 4) 1124 m
Baodai Road Subway Station - Exit 3 1164 meters
Baodai Road Subway Station - Exit 11 1179 meters
Baodai Road Subway Station - Exit 1 1203 meters
South Gate Second Village (No. 1; No. 5; No. 53; No. 55; No. 55 Peak; No. 309; No. 318; No. 503; No. 932; No. 9021 Community Bus; No. 1 Night) 1205 meters
Nanhuan Xincun (No. 4; No. 10 East; No. 10 West; No. 28; No. 39; No. 47 Branch Line B; No. 47 Branch Line D; No. 101; No. 200 North Line; No. 200 South Line; No. 308; No. 501 ; 529; 931; 933; 949; 9010 Community Bus) 1210 meters
Jiangjiaqiao (No. 56; No. 67; No. 91; No. 501; No. 558) 1233 meters
Tuanjieqiao Subway Station - Exit 2 1296 meters
Baodai Road Subway Station - Exit 13 1297 meters
Tuanjieqiao Subway Station - Exit 3 1337 meters
Tuanjie Bridge (Rail Transit Line 4) 1353 meters
Tuanjieqiao Subway Station-4 Exit 1419 meters
Tuanjieqiao East (No. 4; No. 10 East; No. 10 West; No. 28; No. 39; No. 42; No. 53; No. 55; No. 55 Peak; No. 67; No. 101; No. 108; No. 200 North; 200 South Line; 308; 501; 503; 504; 529; 931; 933; 949; 9010 Community Bus; 9018 Community Bus; 9021 Community Bus) 1458 meters
Beigang Bridge East (No. 553; No. 558) 1464 m
Cuiyuan New Village (No. 27; No. 42; No. 47 Branch Line B; No. 47 Branch Line D; No. 53; No. 60 South Line; No. 108; No. 218; No. 514; No. 900 North Line; No. 9018 Community Bus; No. 9021 Community bus) 1496 meters
Commercial facilities within 2 km of Beigang Road Subway Station - Exit 1 1562
25 shopping, 25 banks, 25 restaurants
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Suzhou Baodai Road Sub-branch) (No. 264 Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 367 meters
China Construction Bank (Suzhou Changchun Road Sub-branch) (No. 269, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 409 meters
China CITIC Bank (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (Phase II, No. 323, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 438 meters
Hua Xia Bank (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (3rd Floor, No. 323, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 447 meters
China Minsheng Bank (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (1st Floor, Building 23, Area A, Jiabao Plaza, No. 323, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 457 meters
Xudong Hotel (Baodai East Road) (No. 142, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 571 meters
Xiangxuehai Hotel (Yingchun Branch) (Phase III, No. 36, Yingchun Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 645 meters
China Everbright Bank (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (No. 345, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 745 meters
Datou Life Center (Laifeng Shopping Center South District, Laifeng Shopping Center) (F2, South District, Laifeng Shopping Center, No. 399 Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 853 meters
INLIFE (Lifeng Shopping Center (Baodai East Road Store) North District Store) (F1, North District, Lifeng Shopping Center, No. 399, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City) 860 meters
Manyin Music Store (Lifeng Shopping Center Baodai East Road Store) (F3, Lifeng Shopping Center, No. 399 Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 863 meters
China Construction Bank (Suzhou Dongyuan Sub-branch) (No. 169, Wuzhong East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 885 meters
Fan Wenhua (Lifeng Shopping Center Baodai East Road Store) (F2, Lifeng Shopping Center, No. 399 Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 888 meters
Karamei (Lifeng Shopping Center (Baodai East Road Store) North District Store) (F2, North District, Laifeng Shopping Center, No. 399, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 895 meters
Parkson Family (No. 45, Dongqing Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 895 meters
HotMaxx (Lifeng Shopping Center Baodai East Road) (F1, Lifeng Shopping Center, No. 399 Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 903 meters
St. Paul (Lifeng Shopping Center Baodai East Road) (F2, Lifeng Shopping Center, No. 399 Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 928 meters
Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (Phase 3, No. 171, Wuzhong East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 967 meters
pura biance (Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center Dongwu North Road Store) (No. 98 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center (Dongwu North Road) F1 Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center F1) 1036 meters
Miaoyiyi (Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center Dongwu North Road) (No. 98 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center (Dongwu North Road) F1 Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center F2) 1039 meters
Bank of Shanghai (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (2nd Floor, East Tower, No. 175, Wuzhongdong Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1064 meters
Suzhou Suyuan Hotel (No. 130, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1064 meters
Sufeng Hotel (1st Floor, Litong Building, No. 158, Wudongdong Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1078 meters
Bank of Jiangsu (Dongwu North Road Sub-branch) (Phase II, No. 69-5, Xianqian Street, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1086 meters
Bank of China (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (No. 108, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1088 meters
Twelve Meal Points (Dongwu North Road) (No. 78, No. 78-1, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1107 meters
Quinn American Chinese Restaurant (2nd Floor, Building 4, Canal Town, No. 99 Taihu East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1119 meters
Suzhou Rural Commercial Bank (Wuzhong Sub-branch) (M3 Phase III, No. 158, Wuzhong Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1124 meters
Detian Beef Seafood Hotpot (Wuzhong Store) (4th Floor, Litong Building, No. 158 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1128 meters
Agricultural Bank of China (Suzhou Nanmen Sub-branch) (No. 28, Nanhuan East Road, Gusu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1155 meters
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (Wuzhong Sub-branch) (Area, No. 103, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1161 meters
Suyuan Hotel Chinese Restaurant (Suyuan Hotel, No. 130, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1164 meters
KFC (Wuzhong Phoenix Plaza Restaurant) (1st Floor, Phoenix Plaza, No. 66 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City) 1164 meters
KADING (Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center Dongwu North Road Store) (No. 98 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center (Dongwu North Road) F1 Huakun Xinsu Shopping Center B1) 1166 meters
China Construction Bank (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (No. 51 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1170 meters
China Guangfa Bank (Wuzhong Sub-branch) (5th Floor, Zone A, Yuanrong Times Square, No. 66 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1177 meters
Agricultural Bank of China (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch Business Department) (East District, No. 138 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1179 meters
Industrial Bank (Langting Lexianghui) (1st Floor, No. 111 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1187 meters
Xiangxuehai Hotel (Wuzhong) (No. 123, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1191 meters
Bank of Suzhou (Suzhou Branch) (Longxing Lane, No. 143, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1227 meters
Bank of Communications (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (Phase 6, No. 21 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1271 meters
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (Dongwu Tower, No. 18 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1287 meters
Hualong Hotel (Dongwu North Road) (Wisteria, No. 156, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1288 meters
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Suzhou Dongwu North Road Sub-branch) (No. 170 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 1319 meters
KFC (Huilin Square Restaurant) (F1, Huilin Plaza, No. 758, Nanhuan East Road, Gusu District, Suzhou) 1323 meters
Xinmeihua (Huilin Plaza) (F1, Huilin Plaza, No. 758, Nanhuan East Road, Gusu District, Suzhou City) 1324 meters
China Merchants Bank (Suzhou Wuzhong Sub-branch) (1st Floor, No. 170, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1344 meters
New Jindu Hotel (Building 8, Kangle Building, Lane 39, Wuzhong West Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1373 meters
Liu Er Private Kitchen (Huilin Square Store) (F1, Huilin Square, No. 758, Nanhuan East Road, Gusu District, Suzhou) 1384 meters
Haidilao Hotpot (Tianjieqiao) (4th Floor, Double Silver Constellation Business Plaza, No. 181 Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1405 meters
Jinlafu Restaurant (2nd Floor, South Gate Commercial Plaza, No. 181, Dongwu North Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1417 meters
KFC (South Ring Restaurant) (1st Floor, South Gate of Walmart Supermarket, No. 288, Dongwu North Road, Gusu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1493 meters
Snail Hotel (Baiyun Street) (No. 6-1-2, Baiyun Street, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1496 meters
Gingerley Hotel (Baiyun Street) (No. 44-2, Baiyun Street, Economic Development Zone, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 1499 meters
Educational facilities within 2 km
25 schools
Suyuan Experimental Primary School (No. 298, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 409 meters
Suyuan Experimental Primary School - West Gate (Suyuan Experimental Primary School (East of Yuebang Street), Changqiao, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 414 meters
Suyuan Experimental Primary School - Southwest Gate 2 (50 meters east of the intersection of Xianqian Street and Yuebang Street, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City) 414 meters
Suyuan Experimental Primary School - South Gate (No. 298, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 476 meters
Baodai Experimental Primary School - North Gate (No. 179, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou) 579 meters
Yingchun Middle School - Northwest Gate (No. 111, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City) 631 meters
Yingchun Middle School (No. 111, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 639 meters
Baodai Experimental Primary School (Phase 1, No. 179, Baodai East Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 654 meters
Baodai Experimental Primary School - South Gate (No. 168, Wenqu Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 773 meters
Suzhou Meichang Primary School (in Meichang New Village, Gusu District, Suzhou) 787 meters
Suzhou Yanyuan Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Overseas Chinese Joint Exam Training School (No. 146, Suyuan Street, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1066 meters
Suzhou Textile Industry Workers' Secondary Professional School (No. 146, Suyuan Street, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1078 meters
Xiangzhang School (South of Wudong Road and Beigang Road, Jiangjia Community, Guoxiang Street) 1435 meters
Suzhou Nanhuan Experimental Primary School (No. 66, Campus Street, Gusu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1437 meters
Suzhou Cangnan Primary School (South Campus, No. 4, Xitang North Lane, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1461 meters
Suzhou Nanhuan Experimental Primary School - Northwest Gate (No. 66, Campus Street, Gusu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) 1501 meters
South of Suzhou